The Essential House
Area: 150 sqm
We envision a house that focuses on values that are intrinsic to the problems of living in today’s time. Self-sufficiency becomes the priority and are no longer trends in design. If would be practical, simple and void of the inessential. Environment becomes the main ornament.
We imagine it to be compact, semi-modular and easy to construct. Material finishes would be consciously selected as the the house becomes needs to be safe and clean. It would prioritize the installation of utilities such as water filtration and solar energy for it to be self-reliant. It would be abundant in nature and would allow natural light and ventilation to flow in.
Modular sized rooms are connected by a 2.5 meter hallway and canopy. This covered space may be used in many ways such a terrace lounge or exercise activities. It shades the interiors from unwanted natural elements. Sliding door partitions allow a flowing exterior to interior transition.